Connecting to SQLServer

For an overview of the connector, please refer to the following link:


Create a Connector

Select the “Connectors” tab on the top page and click the “Create” button.


Enter SQLServer Credentials

Enter the credentials for the database you want to connect to in the displayed form. If you are connecting via a remote server, check the “SSH” box and fill in the necessary fields.

After entering the information, click the Create button to complete the creation. If there are any errors in the parameters, an error message will be displayed, so please check the connection details again.

Field NameDescriptionRequiredExample
HostEnter the database host
PortEnter the database connection port.1433
DatabaseEnter the database name.my_database
UsernameEnter the database username.db_user
PasswordEnter the database user password.mypassword
SSHSpecify if using SSH connection.
SSH HostEnter the remote server host
SSH PortEnter the remote server connection port.22
SSH UsernameEnter the remote server username.ssh_user
SSH PasswordEnter the remote server user password.sshpassword
SSH Private KeyEnter the remote server private key.-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
SSH PassphraseEnter the passphrase for the private key.my_passphrase
Ensure that the IP whitelist of the destination database allows access from

Connect to the Created Database

Once created successfully, you can retrieve the connector name from the list display. The string next to the icon is connection_name. You can use this to connect to the database in your code.

Enter the created connector name in your SQL or Python code to retrieve data.


select * from table_name