In Morph, you build the frontend using Markdown. By placing components in Markdown files, you can build the UI of your web application.

Development Flow

The steps for frontend development in Morph are as follows.


Create .mdx Files

By creating .mdx files in the src/pages directory, you can create pages for your web application. The file name becomes the URL path.

touch src/pages/new-page-1.mdx

Add Page Title

Add a page title to the .mdx file. The first heading of the page is treated as the title.

# New Page

Place Components

Refer to the Component Reference and place components suitable for your data application.

# New Page

Displaying spreadsheet data👇

<DataFrame name="data_google_sheet" height={500} />

Start the Development Server

By starting the development server, you can check the web application locally.

morph serve