This page contains information about changes between each versions and how you can migrate from one version to another.

Morph 0.1.7 to 0.1.8

Dockerfile Update: Improved Streaming for <LLM /> and <Chat /> Components

Due to improvements in LLM streaming response behavior, the base image and CMD settings in the Dockerfile have been updated.

For v0.1.8 and later, the Dockerfile generated by the morph new command will be initialized with the following structure:

# Base image for Morph Cloud

# Set working directory
WORKDIR /var/task

# Install Python dependencies with poetry
COPY requirements.txt .
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt --target "${MORPH_TASK_ROOT}"

# Copy source code and dependencies
COPY . .

# Command to run the Lambda function
CMD ["python", ".morph/core/morph/api/"]

Additionally, a .dockerignore file is now generated during initialization, and the COPY command has been modified to copy the entire directory while excluding files specified in .dockerignore, rather than copying individual files.

This means you no longer need to update the Dockerfile when the directory structure changes in your local development environment.