The getJson() function is one of Morph’s data retrieval functions; if the process specified by alias is SQL or a Python function that returns a DataFrame, you can retrieve the result in JSON format.

# Employee Data

export const employeeData = getJson({
  alias: 'employee_data_py'

## We have {value(employeeData).length} employees.

Return Value of getJson()

The return value of getJson() has the following structure


  "data": {
    "type": "json",
    "data": ...
  "error": Error | undefined,
  "loading": boolean
} contains the results of executing Python functions and SQL files.

Displaying the return value of getJson()

The return value of getJson() is not a simple object, so you need to use the value() function to extract the value.

export const employeeData = getJson({
  alias: 'employee_data_py'

{ JSON.stringify(value(employeeData).data) }
The content enclosed in {} is evaluated as a JSX node and must be either a string, boolean, number, null, undefined, or React component. Here, we use JSON.stringify() to stringify

Using variables with getJson()

You can use variables with getJson() to pass parameters to SQL queries and Python functions.

export const depertment = variable();

<VariableInput variable={depertment} />

export const employeeData = getJson({
  alias: 'employee_data_py',
  variables: {
    department: depertment

## We have {value(employeeData).length} employees in { value(department) } department