<Metrics />
The MetricsGrid component displays each row of the execution results of Python functions or SQL files using the Metrics component.
The display is in grid format.
The name of the Python function or SQL file
Variables to pass to the Python function or SQL file. Declare them using the defineState()
Controls the value displayed in the center of the card. If a function is passed, its execution result is treated as the Value. If a string is passed, it is treated as the column name, and the column value is treated as the Value.
Controls the string displayed above the value. If a function is passed, its execution result is treated as the label. If a string is passed, it is treated as the column name, and the column value is treated as the label.
Controls the string displayed to the left of the Value. If a function is passed, its execution result is treated as the Prefix. If a string is passed, it is treated as the column name, and the column value is treated as the Prefix.
Controls the string displayed to the right of the Value. If a function is passed, its execution result is treated as the Suffix. If a string is passed, it is treated as the column name, and the column value is treated as the Suffix.
Controls the string displayed at the bottom of the card. If a function is passed, its execution result is displayed as the Footer.
The Metrics component displays the value of a specific column from the first row of the execution results of Python functions or SQL files.
The name of the Python function or SQL file
Variables to pass to the Python function or SQL file. Declare using the defineState()
Controls the value displayed in the center of the card. If a function is passed, its execution result is treated as the Value. If a string is passed, it is treated as the column name, and the column value is treated as the Value.
Controls the string displayed above the value. If a function is passed, its execution result is treated as the label. If a string is passed, it is treated as the column name, and the column value is treated as the label.
Controls the string displayed to the left of the Value. If a function is passed, its execution result is treated as the Prefix. If a string is passed, it is treated as the column name, and the column value is treated as the Prefix.
Controls the string displayed to the right of the Value. If a function is passed, its execution result is treated as the Suffix. If a string is passed, it is treated as the column name, and the column value is treated as the Suffix.
Controls the string displayed at the bottom of the card. If a function is passed, its execution result is displayed as the Footer.